20V 'Blacktop' Project - Day 2
Removed the glovebox, dashboard, steering wheel, carpeting & what was
left of the windshield today after work. Made sure to keep all connectors
connected, since I haven't labeled anything yet. Things like hazard light
switch, cigarette lighter, gauge cluster, keep all those connectors in tact.
Vaccuumed up as much glass as I could. There's still some out there that
I need to get to later on. Only sliced my finger once removing the glass...
What a mess huh? It sure is going to be interesting a few weeks from now...
Just a pic of the ECU unbolted from it's mount up on the hump in front
of the gear shifter. I'm sure this thing is worth a quarter the price I
paid for the half-cut.
The most tense part of the evening, removing the air bag. Even though the
battery has been disconnected for a while, I was still worried about the
possibility of setting the airbag off. The side of the steering wheel has
2 plastic pieces that pop off. Removing those, you will see 2 'star' bolts.
Just remove those 2, and the front of the steering wheel should fall right
out. Remove the big nut (19mm) on the shaft, and then start tugging on the
wheel to remove it.
