Front Bushings Install Page 2/2
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Front Control Arm Bushing Install
1) Here's a pic of the new TRD bushing beside the control arm. Notice the tapered
end, you will need to press that end in first.

2) Lube up the bushing with some grease. I just used some white lithium grease,
since that's all I had around. Silicone grease would probably work better.

3) Carefully position the 2 parts in a table vise and start squeezing the bushing
in. Make sure everything is going in straight. It may help to have an extra
pair of hands to help hold and turn the vise handle.

4) After a while, you will not be able to push the bushing in any further without
damaging your vise. Trust me on brand new vise now has a slightly
bent handle.

5) Quickly reposition the control arm in the vise, and place your 2 jaw puller
over the bushing. Use a few fender washers to disperse the force so that the
entire bushing is pushed in instead of just the middle piece. Don't just use
one or 2 washers either, use at least 3 or 4. The bushing laughs at using just
2 washers, as they will just bend and be destroyed like crazy. Use some tape
or super glue to hold the washers in place while you position the puller. An
assistant is nice here as well.

6) Eventually after applying much force onto the bushing (you may need to use
a cheater bar to turn the puller), You can see the other end popping out and
locking the bushing into place.

7) Remove the puller once you are certain the bushing is all the way in. And
clean up the excess grease.

8) Install the control arm back onto the car. Do not tighten al the way to
spec yet.

Front Stut Bar Bushing Install
This should be fairly straightforward.
1) Here's the pieces how they go back onto the strut bar:

2) Place one of the nuts to the original position. Remember the measurement
you took back in step 1? Then place one of the retainers, a new collar, and
a bushing. Notice the smaller end of the bushing is toward the end of the strut

3) Then place the strut bar back on the car. Add the other bushing, retainer,
lock washer and the other nut. Start tightening the nut down. Insert the 2 bolts
at the end of the strut bar to the control arm, once the nut pulls the bushings
tight enough.

4) Here's the strut bar and control arm in place with their new bushings.

5) Reinstall the various other pieces you removed to get to the suspension
6) Before attaching the wheel, jack up the corner of the car via the control
arm. Raise it up until it gets into it's normal position, as if the car was
lowered onto the ground. Tighten the suspension arms' nuts and bolts to spec.
This is so the bushings aren't twisted when the wheels are installed & the
car is lowered to the ground.